The Storm


by Akeem Balogun

“The Storm takes the short story at face value, as a site for experimentation and representation; formally inventive and diverse in its registers, by turns episodic and graphic…” – Fred D’Aguiar

Signed paperback (left)
Signed hardback (right) (limited to 100 copies)

SKU: N/A Category:


Released: 19/10/2020 | ISBN PB: 978-1-8380441-2-1 | ISBN HB: 978-1-8380441-1-4

Through thirteen remarkably different stories, The Storm uses the intimacy of an evocative and volatile landscape to explore the very basics of human survival, all told in a distinct and slender style of prose.

In “Eden”, a sister longing for her brother goes to extremes to be reunited with her deceased sibling.

In “Bonfire Hero”, a doubtful and tired vigilante watches the streets beneath him deteriorate.

In “Buddhatarium”, personifications of tranquillity can be bought and exploited, becoming the only way for a father to keep his family together.

In this Somerset Maugham Award winning collection, 28-year-old writer Akeem Balogun shows us the often questionable ways that people deal with extreme crisis and how ordinary human relationships can become distorted in severe conditions.

It features an original painting and internal artwork by Arantza Pardo, while the audiobook is performed by the exceptional dub artist and poet Rider Shafique.

Read Duncan Lawie’s review of the collection on Strange Horizon. Learn about the process behind the cover design on SPINE magazine.

Akeem Balogun is a writer based in Sheffield, UK, whose fiction has appeared in Pomme Journal, Writing as Resistance, Now Then Magazine and elsewhere. He has also collaborated with the likes of Found Fiction and Festival of the Mind to create project themed stories. The Storm is his first book. For more about him please visit his website. You can listen to an interview with him about the book and hear a clip of the audiobook on BBC Radio Sheffield.

To keep up with news about The Storm and the press please email all@okapibooks or use this contact form.

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Paperback, Hardback


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